Saturday, July 25, 2009

Etsy Finds: Ice Cream

Sorry that you guys haven't heard from me in a while. I've been SO SO SO busy with art camp! After coming home everyday from spending 7 hours at the studio (6 of those which are spent drawing), I am completely wiped and don't feel like doing anything so I usually fix dinner and crash in front of the TV until it's time for me to go to sleep. Some days, I don't even feel like getting online so I've hardly had time to update and make new things. The only time that I do have to update is during weekends, so I bring you a new Etsy Finds on this fine Saturday afternoon! I hope you all enjoy this one as it will satisfy your sweet for the classic summer treat: ice cream!

1. Chocolate and Strawberry Ice Cream Earrings
2. Party Ice Cream
3. Original Art Ice Cream Cone
4. Ice Cream Fabric (1 yd)
5. Ice Cream Sundae Cosmetic Zipper Pouch

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love these delicious items!